Automatic Storage Retrieval System

Automatic Storage Retrieval System

High density automatic storage & retrieval systems use a minimum of floor space and maximise vertical space in your facility, allowing you to maximise efficiency within your warehouse management system.

Most systems are fully automated and widely used where pallets require processing across multiple shifts. Benefits include improved performance and accuracy, reduced inventory, lower costs of doing business and improved OH & S. ASRS can be infinitely configured and adapted to a purpose-built facility or within an existing facility. Specialised building and installation present no problems.

System Benefits:

    • High storage density with minimal building footprint
    • Purpose built facilities ensure built for purpose features
    • Low running costs associated with automation
    • Highly efficient warehouse management is normal
    • Fast and accurate operations in man free environment

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Feel free to contact Storage Centre Pte Ltd – Storage Racks Singapore for more information.

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